

词汇 *along²
释义 *along²
1 going forward 向前,往前:
I was driving along, listening to the radio. 我一边开车,一边听着广播。
2 go/come/be along to go or come to a place 前去/前来/到来:
The next bus should be along in a minute. 下一辆公共汽车应该马上会来。
3 go/come along to go somewhere with someone else 一起去/来:
We're going out — you're welcome to come along! 我们要出去,欢迎你一起来!
4 take/bring sb along to take or bring someone with you somewhere 带某人一起去/来:
Do you mind if I bring a friend along? 你介意我带个朋友一起来吗?
5 along with in addition to and at the same time 和…一起:
Dunne was murdered along with three RUC men near Armagh. 邓恩和三个北爱尔兰皇家警察一起在阿尔马附近被谋杀。
6 get/come along to develop or make progress 进步,进展:
How are you getting along in your new job? 你的新工作进展得怎么样?
Kurt's English is coming along fine — he's obviously good at languages. 库尔特的英语进步很快,他显然善于学习语言。
→ see also 另见 all along (ALL²)




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