

词汇 *eye¹
释义 *eye¹ /aɪ; aɪ/
n [C]
1 one of the two organs in your face that you see with 眼睛:
Gina has blue eyes. 吉娜有一对蓝眼睛。
Close your eyes. 闭上你的眼睛。
2 blue-eyed/one-eyed/bright-eyed etc having blue eyes, one eye etc 蓝眼睛的/独眼的/眼睛明亮的等
3 keep an eye on to watch what someone or something does in order to prevent something bad from happening 照料…,对…留神:
Can you keep an eye on the baby while I make a phone call? 我打个电话,你能帮我照料一下宝宝吗?
4 keep an eye out for to be ready to notice someone or something that you are looking for 留意,注意:
Can you keep an eye out for my keys? 请你留意一下我的钥匙,好吗?
5 keep your eyes open/peeled to watch carefully 警觉,留心:
Keep your eyes peeled — he must be hiding around here somewhere. 你得密切注意,他肯定就藏在这里附近的什么地方。
6 in the eyes of/in sb's eyes according to someone's opinion 在…的眼里,根据…的观点:
Divorce is a sin in the eyes of the Church. 在教会看来离婚是一种罪恶。
7 have your eye on to have noticed something that you want to buy or have 看中,想要:
I've got my eye on a nice little sports car. 我看中了一辆挺不错的小型跑车。
8 have an eye for to be good at noticing what is valuable or attractive 对…有鉴赏的眼光:
Gail has a good eye for colour. 盖尔对色彩具有很高的鉴赏力。
9 cannot take your eyes off to be unable to stop looking at someone or something 不忍将目光移开,目不转睛地看:
He was so gorgeous, I couldn't take my eyes off him. 他太英俊了,我忍不住要盯着他看。
10 set/lay eyes on to see someone or something, especially for the first time 〔尤指第一次〕看到,见到:
The first time I set eyes on him I knew I liked him. 我第一次看到他,就知道我会喜欢他。
11 with your eyes open knowing what all the problems of a situation might be 清楚问题所在,明知后果怎样:
I went into the business with my eyes open so it's no use complaining now. 我在投身这个行业之前就知道是怎么回事,所以现在抱怨什么也没用了。
12 be up to your eyes in spoken to have a lot of things to deal with 【口】 忙得不可开交,极忙:
I'm up to my eyes in paperwork. 这些文书工作让我忙得不可开交。
13 the hole in a needle that you put thread through 针眼
→ see also 另见 could not believe your eyes (BELIEVE), catch sb's eye (CATCH¹), look sb in the eye (LOOK¹), see eye to eye (with sb) (SEE), turn a blind eye (TURN¹), cast an eye over sth (CAST¹), with/to the naked eye (NAKED)




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