

词汇 *speak
释义 *speak /spik; spiːk/
v spoke /spok; spəʊk/, spoken /`spokən; ˈspəʊkən/, speaking
1 [I] to talk to someone about something or have a conversation 谈话,交谈:
speak to sb also 又作 speak with sb especially AmE 【尤美】: Hello, can I speak to Mr. Sherwood please? 喂,请问舍伍德先生在吗?
+ about Have you spoken to Michael about this? 你和迈克尔谈过这事吗?
2 [I] to use your voice to say words 说话,讲话:
For a minute she was too frightened to speak. 一时间她吓得说不出话来。
3 [T] to be able to talk in a particular language 会说〔某种语言〕,会讲:
My brother speaks English. 我哥哥会讲英语。
4 [I] to make a formal speech 演说,演讲,发言:
I get so nervous if I have to speak in public. 要在大庭广众面前发言我就会很紧张。
5 [I] to tell someone about a particular subject or person 谈起,谈到:
+of/about He spoke about his love of acting. 他说到了他对演戏的热爱。
6 [I] informal to be friendly with someone, especially after an argument 【非正式】 说话〔尤指争执后仍与人和好〕:
I'm surprised she's still speaking to you after all you've done. 我很吃惊,你干了这一切,她还跟你说话。
7 be on speaking terms to be friendly with someone, especially after an argument 〔尤指争执后,与人友善地〕说话:
He hasn't been on speaking terms with his father for years. 他和父亲多年来感情不和,话不投机。
8 generally/technically etc speaking used to say that you are expressing a general opinion, technical opinion etc 一般来说/从技术上来说等:
Generally speaking, I agree with you. 总的来说,我是同意你的。
9 so to speak spoken used to say that the expression you have used does not have its usual meaning 【口】 可以说〔用于表示所说的话不是平常的含义〕:
He found the problem in his own backyard, so to speak. 可以说,他是在自家的后院找到问题的。
10 speaking of... spoken used when you want to say more about someone or something that has just been mentioned 【口】 说到…〔用于作补充说明〕:
Speaking of Jody, how is she? 说到乔迪,她怎么样?
11 speak your mind to say exactly what you think 直言不讳,想什么说什么
12 none/nothing to speak of nothing important enough to mention 不值一提:
"Did you get any snow last week?" "None to speak of." “你们上个星期下过雪吗?”“算不上下过。”
speak for sb/sth
1 to express the feelings, thoughts etc of another person or group 代表…讲话:
I'm speaking for all of us in wishing you the best of luck. 我代表大家祝你好运。
2 sth speaks for itself to show something so clearly that no further explanation is necessary 某事不言而喻[不辩自明]:
Our profits speak for themselves. 我们的利润有什么意义不言而喻。
3 be spoken for to be promised to someone else 被答应给别人; 已被预订:
The puppies are already spoken for. 这些小狗已经说好送给别人了。
speak out
to say publicly what you think about something, especially as a protest 公开地说出〔尤指作为抗议〕:
+ against people speaking out against human rights abuses 站出来抗议践踏人权的人们
speak up
1 spoken used to ask someone to speak more loudly 【口】 提高声音说,大声点说〔用于要求别人〕:
Could you speak up please, I can't hear you. 你说大声一点好吗,我听不见。
2 to say publicly what you think about something 公开地说出〔自己的想法〕:
If we don't speak up nobody can help us. 如果我们不公开表达意见,没有人能帮助我们。




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