

词汇 *subject¹
释义 *sub·ject¹ /`sʌbdʒɪkt; ˈsʌbdʒɪkt/
n [C]
1 something that you are talking or writing about 话题; 〔写作的〕主题:
She's written several books on the subject. 她写过几本有关这个主题的书。
change the subject (=talk about something else) 转换话题: Stop trying to change the subject! 别想转移话题!
2 something that you study at a school or university 学科,科目:
"What's your favourite subject?" "Science." “你最喜欢什么学科?”“科学。”
3 the word that usually comes before the verb in a sentence and shows who is doing the action of the verb. In the sentence 'Jean loves cats', 'Jean' is the subject. 主词,主语
4 a person or animal that is used in a test or EXPERIMENT 实验对象
5 someone who is from a country that has a king or queen 〔君主国的〕臣民,国民




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