

词汇 dress up
释义 dress up
phr v
1 [I] to wear clothes that are more formal than the ones you usually wear 穿盛装:
It's only a small party. You don't need to dress up. 只是个小聚会,你没必要穿得那么一本正经的。
2 [I,T dress sb ↔ up] to wear special clothes, shoes etc for fun 化装,打扮:
+ as (=so you look like someone else) 化装成: She dressed up as a witch for Halloween. 她打扮成女巫去参加万圣节活动。
+ in old clothes for the kids to dress up in 专供孩子们装扮的旧衣服
USAGE NOTE 用法说明: dress, put on and 和 wear
Dress means 'to put on clothes' or 'to wear a particular type of clothes'. dress 的意思是“穿衣”或“穿某种衣服”:
David got up and dressed quickly. 大卫起床匆匆忙忙穿好衣服。
She always dresses fashionably. 她总是穿时髦衣服。
If you put on a piece of clothing, you dress yourself in that thing. 如果你 put on 某件衣服,意思是你穿上那件衣服:
You'd better put your coat on before you go out. 你出去前最好穿上外套。
Use wear to say that you have a piece of clothing on your body. 如要说你身上穿着某件衣服,用 wear:
She was wearing a pink jacket. 她穿了件粉红色夹克衫。
Is that a new shirt you're wearing? 你穿的那件衬衫是新的吗?




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