

词汇 *honour¹
释义 *hon·our¹
BrE 【英】, honor AmE 【美】 /`ɑnə; ˈɒnə/ n
1 [U] strong moral beliefs and standards of behaviour that make people respect and trust you 道义,气节; 品格:
He's a man of honor. 他是个品德高尚的人。
2 [U] in honour of sb/in sb's honour when people do something to show respect to someone, for example by having a special ceremony 为了向某人表示敬意,为了纪念某人:
a ceremony in honour of the soldiers who died 纪念阵亡将士的仪式
3 be an honour to be something that makes you feel proud and glad 是光荣的事:
It's a great honour to receive this award. 获此奖项是一大荣幸。
4 [C] something such as a special title or MEDAL that is officially given to someone because of their achievements 〔授予有杰出贡献者的〕荣誉,荣誉头衔,荣誉奖章:
Churchill received many of his country's highest honours. 邱吉尔获得过许多的国家最高荣誉。
5 Your Honour used to speak to a judge 法官大人




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