

词汇 *kill¹
释义 *kill¹ /kɪl; kɪl/
1 [I,T] to make someone die 杀死; 弄死:
He's in jail for killing a policeman. 他因杀死一名警察而入狱。
Three people were killed when a car bomb exploded in Bilbao. 一枚汽车炸弹在毕尔巴爆炸,三个人被炸死。
The disease can kill. 这种病能致命。
2 [T] to make something stop, or prevent it from happening 使停止,阻止:
They gave her drugs to kill the pain. 他们给了她一些药止痛。
3 sb will kill sb spoken used to say that someone will be very angry with another person 【口】 某人会对某人大发雷霆:
My wife will kill me if she finds out. 我老婆发现的话会对我大发雷霆的。
4 my feet/legs etc are killing me spoken used to say that part of your body is hurting a lot 【口】 我的脚/腿等疼得要命
5 kill time informal to spend time doing something, while you are waiting for something else to happen 【非正式】 消磨[打发]时间
6 have time/an hour/an afternoon etc to kill to have nothing particular to do for an hour, an afternoon etc 有些时间/一个小时/一下午等要消磨
7 kill two birds with one stone to save time or effort by doing one thing at the same time you do another 一石二鸟,一举两得,一箭双雕:
While I was in town I decided to kill two birds with one stone and go and see Grandpa as well. 我在城里时决定一举两得,顺便去看望祖父。
kill sb/sth ↔ off
to get rid of someone or something 杀死,除掉〔某人或某物〕:
His character gets killed off ten minutes into the film. 他演的角色在电影里出现了才十分钟就被杀掉了。
USAGE NOTE 用法说明: kill
Compare 比较 kill, murder, slaughter, butcher, assassinate, and 和 massacre.
Kill is a general word meaning 'to make someone die'. Murder means 'to kill someone on purpose'. kill 是个普通的词,意为“让某人死”。murder 的意思是“蓄意杀死某人”:
He murdered his wife by putting poison in her food. 他在食物中放毒,谋杀了他的妻子。
Slaughter means 'to kill animals for food', but it can also describe the cruel, or unnecessary killing of people. slaughter 的意思是“屠宰动物以供食用”,但也可用于描述残暴的、毫无必要的杀人行径:
Thousands of people were needlessly slaughtered in a senseless war. 成千上万的人在一场毫无意义的战争中被无谓地屠杀了。
Butcher is even stronger. butcher 的语义更为强烈:
He was responsible for the butchering of innocent women and children. 他对残杀无辜的妇女和儿童负有责任。
Assassinate means 'to kill a famous person, especially a political leader'. assassinate 的意思是“刺杀名人,尤其是政治领袖”:
an attempt to assassinate the President 刺杀总统的企图。
Massacre means 'to kill large numbers of people, especially people who cannot defend themselves'. massacre 意为“屠杀大批人,尤指杀害没有自卫能力的人”:
Whole populations were massacred by invading Europeans. 全体人口都被入侵的欧洲人屠杀了。




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