

词汇 *build¹
释义 *build¹ /bɪld; bɪld/
v built /bɪlt; bɪlt/, built, building
1 [I,T] to make a building or large structure, for example a house, bridge, or ship 盖,造,建筑,建造:
More homes are being built near the lake. 湖的附近正在建造更多住房。
2 [T] to develop something slowly 发展; 建立; 培养:
We are working to build a more peaceful world. 我们正努力建立一个更和平的世界。
build sth ↔ into
to make something a permanent part of something else 使成为某物不可分的部分:
A physical training program is built into the course. 这个课程加进了一个体育训练计划。
build on sth
to use something you have done to continue your success 以〔某事物〕作为发展基础:
We hope to build on what we learned last year. 我们希望在去年学到的东西的基础上继续发展。
build up
1 [I,T build sth ↔ up] if something builds up, or you build it up, it gradually increases or grows (使)逐渐增加; (使)增进:
You need to build your strength up after your illness. 你在病后需要逐步恢复体力。
They've built up the business over a number of years. 他们用了几年时间使生意日益兴旺。
2 build up sb's hopes to make someone think they will get what they want, when in fact it is unlikely 让某人怀有希望〔事实上此希望不可能实现〕:
Don't build your hopes up. 别怀有不切实际的希望。
build up to sth
to gradually prepare for an important or exciting event 为…做准备:
What's all this activity building up to? 这些活动是为什么作准备?




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