

词汇 buck¹
释义 buck¹ /bʌk; bʌk/
n [C]
1 AmE, AustrE spoken a dollar 【美,澳,口】元:
Could you lend me 20 bucks? 你能借 20 元给我吗?
2 pass the buck to try to make someone else responsible for something that you should deal with 推卸责任:
You can't keep passing the buck! 你不能一直推卸责任!
3 the male of some animals, for example DEER and rabbits 雄鹿; 雄兔
4 buck naked AmE spoken wearing no clothes 【美口】 赤裸的:
Sean was standing outside, buck naked. 肖恩赤身裸体地站在外面。




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