

词汇 *do¹
释义 *do¹ /du; duː/
auxiliary verb did /dɪd; dɪd/, done /dʌn; dʌn/, doing
1 used with another verb to form questions or negatives 〔与另一动词连用,构成疑问句或否定句〕:
What did you say? 你说什么?
Mark doesn't work here any more. 马克不在这里工作了。
2 spoken used to form QUESTION TAGs 【口】 〔用于构成附加疑问句〕:
You went to London at the weekend, didn't you? 周末你去伦敦了,是不是?
Her dress looks great, doesn't it? 她那件连衣裙看上去棒极了,对不对?
3 used to emphasize the main verb 〔用于强调主要动词〕:
I did tell you — you obviously forgot! 我是告诉过你的,你显然是忘记了!
He really did enjoy the trip. 这次旅行他的确很开心。
4 used to avoid repeating another verb 〔用于避免重复另一动词〕:
She eats a lot more than I do. 她吃得比我多得多。
so/neither do I She feels really angry and so do I. (=I feel angry too) 她感到非常气愤,我也是。
Paul didn't like the play and neither did I. (=I did not like it either) 保罗不喜欢这部戏剧,我也一样。




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