

词汇 *voice¹
释义 *voice¹ /vɔɪs; vɔɪs/
1 [C,U] the sound you make when you speak or sing 〔说话、唱歌的〕声音,嗓音:
I could hear Jo's voice outside my window. 我能听见窗户外乔的声音。
Pavarotti has an amazing voice. 巴伐洛提有着迷人的歌喉。
lose your voice (=become unable to speak) 失声,无法讲话: She'd been shouting so much she'd almost lost her voice. 她喊得太久了,喉咙几乎失声。
raise your voice (=speak louder, often because you are angry) 提高嗓门: There's no need to raise your voice. I can hear you perfectly well. 不必提高嗓门,我听得很清楚。
sb's voice breaks (=a boy's voice changes and becomes deeper like a man's) 某人变声〔指男性少年声音变低沉〕
2 [singular 单数] a person, organization, newspaper etc that says publicly what a group of people think or want 喉舌,代言人:
By the early 1960s, King had become the voice of the Civil Rights Movement. 到了 20 世纪 60 年代早期,马丁·路德·金已经成了民权运动的代言人。
3 [C,U] someone's opinion about what should happen or be done 发言权:
have a voice in sth (=be able to give your opinion and take part in deciding what should be done) 对某事有发言权: Parents should have a voice in deciding how their children are educated. 父母应当有权决定子女受什么样的教育。
4 the voice of reason/experience etc when someone speaks in a way that seems sensible, that shows they have had a lot of experience of doing something etc 理性的声音/经验之谈等
5 keep your voice down spoken used to tell someone to be quiet because other people will hear them 【口】 小声点




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