释义 |
*bro·ken¹ /`brokən; ˈbrəʊkən/ adj 1 damaged or in small pieces because of being hit, dropped etc 损坏的; 破碎的; 断裂的: a broken leg 骨折了的腿 a broken plate 打碎的盘子 2 a broken machine or piece of equipment does not work 〔机器、设备〕出故障的,坏的: a broken clock 出了毛病的钟 3 interrupted by spaces, not continuous中断的; 断断续续的,不连贯的: a broken white line 白色的虚线 4 broken marriage a marriage that has ended, and the husband and wife no longer live together 破裂的婚姻 5 broken home a family in which the children's parents no longer live together 夫妻离异的家庭,破裂家庭: Are children from broken homes more likely to do badly at school? 父母离了婚的孩子是否更可能在学校里表现得不好? 6 broken agreement/promise etc when someone did not do what they promised to 未被遵守的协议/承诺等 7 broken English/French etc English, French etc that is spoken slowly, with a lot of mistakes 蹩脚[不流利]的英语/法语等 |