

词汇 *double²
释义 *double²
v[I, T]
to become twice as large or twice as much, or to make something do this 使加倍,成为两倍:
They offered to double my salary if I stayed with the company. 他们提出如果我留在公司里,就把我的工资增加一倍。
+ in Our puppy has doubled in size since we bought it. 我们的小狗自买来到现在已长得大了一倍。
double as sb/sth
to have a second use, job, or purpose 兼作,另作:
The sofa doubles as a bed. 这张沙发兼作床用。
The bar owner doubles up as the town sheriff. 该酒吧老板还身兼镇治安官的职务。
double back
to turn around and go back the way you have just come 顺原路返回:
I doubled back and headed south again. 我顺原路返回,又向南走了。
double up
to bend at the waist because you are in pain or laughing 〔因疼痛或大笑而〕弯下身子:
The whole audience was doubled up with laughter. 所有观众都笑得直不起腰来。




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