

词汇 pick up
释义 pick up
phr v
1 [T pick sb/sth up] to lift someone or something 举起,捡起,拿起,拾起〔某人或某物〕:
Pick me up, Daddy! 爸爸,把我抱起来!
kids picking up shells at the beach 在海滩边捡贝壳的小孩子
I picked up the phone just as it stopped ringing. 我拿起电话听筒时刚好电话不响了。
2 [T pick sb/sth ↔ up] to collect someone or something, especially using a car 〔尤指用汽车〕接(载)人[物]:
I'll pick up my stuff around six, okay? 我六点左右来取东西,行吗?
What time should we pick you up at the airport? 我们应该什么时候到机场接你?
3 [I] if business, your social life etc picks up, it improves 〔生意、社交生活等〕好转,改善:
Sales should pick up before Christmas. 圣诞节前销售应该有起色。
4 [I,T pick up sth] if someone's speed or the wind picks up, it gets faster or stronger 〔速度、风力〕加快; 增强:
The car was gradually picking up speed. 汽车逐渐地加速。
The wind had picked up considerably. 风力大大增强了。
5 [T pick sth ↔ up] to learn something without deliberately trying to 〔不经意地〕学会:
If you go to live in another country you'll soon pick up the language. 如果你到另一个国家生活,你很快就会学会那里的语言。
6 [T pick sth ↔ up] to get an illness from someone 感染〔疾病〕:
She's picked up a cold from a child at school. 她从学校里的一个小孩那里感染了感冒。
7 [T pick sth ↔ up] to notice, see, or hear something; DETECT 注意到; 看到; 听到:
The dogs were able to pick up the scent. 那些狗能嗅出那气味。
8 [ pick sth ↔ up] if a machine picks up a sound or a signal, it receives it 〔机器〕接收[收听]到:
We can pick up French radio stations from here. 我们在这里能收听到法国的电台。
The satellite failed to pick up the signal. 这颗人造卫星未能接收到信号。
9 [T pick sb ↔ up] if the police pick someone up, they arrest them or ask them questions 〔警方〕逮捕〔某人〕
10 [T pick sb ↔ up] to talk to someone and try to begin a sexual relationship with them 勾搭,勾引〔某人〕




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