

词汇 *hit²
释义 *hit²
1 [C] a film, song, play etc that is very successful 红极一时的事物〈如电影、歌曲、戏剧等〉:
She had a big hit with her first album. 她的第一张专辑非常轰动。
2 [C] when you successfully hit something you are aiming at 命中,击中:
I scored a hit with my first shot. 我第一枪就打中了。
3 be a hit (with sb) to be liked very much 大受(某人)欢迎:
Your cousin was a big hit at the party. 你表妹在派对上大出风头。
4 [C] when you hit something with your hand or with something in your hand 击,打




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