

词汇 tighten
释义 tight·en /`taɪtṇ; ˈtaɪtn/
1 [I,T] to become tighter, or to make something tighter (使)变紧; 使更牢固:
Richard's grip tightened on her arm. 理察把她的手臂抓得更紧了。
How do I tighten my seat belt? 我怎样系紧安全带?
2 tighten your belt informal to try to spend less money than you used to spend 【非正式】 勒紧裤带,省吃俭用地过日子
tighten sth ↔ up
to make a rule, law, or system stricter 使〔规定、法律或体系〕更严格:
They're tightening up the laws on immigration. 他们正逐步把移民法订得更严。




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