

词汇 *high¹
释义 *high¹ /haɪ; haɪ/
1 something that is high has a long distance between its bottom and its top 〔从底部到顶部〕高的:
the highest mountain in Colorado 科罗拉多最高的山
→ opposite 反义词 LOW¹
→ compare 比较 TALL
2 a long way above the ground 〔离地面〕高的:
a high window 高窗
high up Look how high up the kite has gone. 你看那风筝飞得多高。
3 used in questions and statements about height 有…高度的〔用于有关高度的疑问句或陈述句中〕:
how high? How high is the Eiffel Tower? 艾菲尔铁塔有多高?
knee-high/shoulder-high etc The grass was knee-high. 这草有齐膝高。
4 greater than usual in amount or number 〔比平常的数量或数字〕高的:
Temperatures will remain high today. 今天气温依然高。
The cost of living is higher in the capital city than in the rest of the country. 首都的生活费用高于该国的其他地区。
5 having an important or powerful position in an organization 〔职位〕高的:
What's the highest rank in the Navy? 海军的最高军衔是什么?
6 very good 好的,有利的:
have a high opinion of I have a very high opinion of his work. 我对他的工作评价很高。
high quality/standards etc We insist on high standards of quality and efficiency. 我们在质量和效率方面坚持高标准。
7 behaving in an unusual way because of taking illegal drugs 〔吸毒后〕精神恍惚的,飘飘欲仙的:
be high on sth They were high on cocaine. 他们服用可卡因之后飘飘欲仙。
8 containing a lot of a particular substance 〔某种物质〕含量高的:
high in fat/sugar/salt etc Spinach is very high in iron. 菠菜富含铁质。
9 near the top of the set of sounds that humans can hear 高声调的,尖声的:
I can't sing the high notes. 高音我唱不上去。




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