

词汇 *arrive
释义 *ar·rive /ə`raɪv; əˈraɪv/
v [I]
1 to get to a place 到达,抵达〔某地〕:
Your letter arrived yesterday. 你的信昨天寄到了。
The train finally arrived in New York at 8.30 pm. 火车最终于晚上八点半抵达纽约。
2 to happen 来临; 发生:
At last the big day arrived! 这个重大的日子终于来临了!
3 arrive at a conclusion/decision to decide what to do about something after a lot of effort 得出结论/作出决定
4 to begin to exist or to start being used 到来,出现; 开始运用:
Our sales have doubled since computer games arrived. 自从有了电脑游戏,我们的销售(额)增加了一倍。
It was just past midnight when the baby arrived. (=was born) 婴儿是在午夜刚过时出生的。




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