

词汇 *mind¹
释义 *mind¹ /maɪnd; maɪnd/
1 [C,U] your thoughts, or the part of your brain used for thinking and imagining things 想法; 思维; 头脑:
I have a picture of him in my mind. 我心里记着他的样子。
I keep going over the problem in my mind. 我一直在想那个问题。
I can't think about that now, my mind is on other things. (=I am thinking about something different) 我现在不能考虑那件事,我在想别的。
2 change your mind to change your opinion or decision about something 改变主意:
If you change your mind and want to come, give us a call. 如果你改变主意想来的话,给我们打电话。
3 make up your mind to decide something, or become very determined to do something 作出决定,拿定主意; 下决心:
Have you made up your mind which college you want to go to? 你决定读哪所大学了吗?
4 come/spring to mind if something comes to mind, you suddenly think of it 突然出现在脑海中,猛然想起
5 cross/enter your mind if something crosses your mind, you have a new thought or idea 掠过/进入脑海:
It never crossed my mind that she might be lying. 我从没想过她也许是在说谎。
6 have sth in mind to be planning or intending to do something 计划(做)某事:
What changes do you have in mind? 你想作哪些改变?
7 keep/bear sth in mind to remember something because it will be useful in the future 记住某事〔指日后对你有用的情况或信息〕:
Keep in mind that the bank will be closed tomorrow. 记住银行明天关门。
8 be on your mind if something is on your mind, you keep worrying about it 一直担心:
Her mother's ill and she's lost her job, so she's had a lot on her mind lately. 她母亲病了,她自己又丢了工作,所以最近一直心事重重。
9 take your mind off sth to make you stop thinking about something 不再想某事物:
Dad needs a vacation to take his mind off work. 爸爸需要休假,暂时不去想工作。
10 go/be out of your mind informal to start to become mentally ill or to behave in a strange way 【非正式】 发疯; 〔行为〕失常:
I have so much to do — I feel like I'm going out of my mind. 我有这么多事要做 — 我觉得自己快发疯了。
She's going to marry him? — She must be out of her mind! 她准备嫁给他? — 她肯定是疯了!
11 put your mind to sth to decide that you are definitely going to do something and try hard to achieve it 下定决心做某事; 致力于某事:
I'm sure she'll pass her test if she puts her mind to it. 我相信如果她下定决心肯定会通过考试。
12 have/keep an open mind to be willing to accept other ideas and opinions 思想开放〔愿意接受其他想法和意见〕
13 -minded having a particular attitude or believing that a particular thing is important 有某种态度的; 重视…的:
politically-minded students 关心政治的学生




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