

词汇 return²
释义 return²
1 [singular 单数] when someone comes back or goes back to a place 返回,回来:
on sb's return On his return to Japan, he began work on his first novel. 他回到日本后开始写他的第一本小说。
2 [singular 单数] when something is given back, put back etc 归还; 退回; 放回:
a reward for the return of the stolen necklace 赠给归还被盗项链的酬金
3 [singular 单数] when something starts to happen or exist again 恢复; 再度出现:
the return of the death penalty 死刑的恢复
4 [singular 单数] when someone starts doing something again 〔某人〕重新做〔某事〕,回复:
Allen's return to filmmaking 阿伦重新开始制作电影
5 [C,U] the amount of profit that you get from an INVESTMENT 〔投资的〕收益,赢利:
He expects a big return on his shares. 他期望他的股票有很好的收益。
6 [U] a button that you press on a computer or typewriter after you have finished the line you are writing 〔电脑或打字机的〕返回键
7 [C] BrE a ticket for a journey to a place and back again 【英】 来回票,双程票; ROUND TRIP AmE【美】
8 in return (for) because someone has given you something or done something for you 作为…的交换,作为…的回报:
She drives me to work, and in return I pay for her lunches. 她开车送我去上班,而我请她吃午餐作为回报。
9 many happy returns BrE used to wish someone a happy birthday 【英】 生日快乐〔生日祝贺语〕




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