

词汇 *period¹
释义 *pe·ri·od¹ /`pɪrɪəd; ˈpɪəriəd/
n [C]
1 a length of time 一段时间; 时期:
the period from Christmas Day until New Year's Day 从圣诞节到新年的这段时间
a period of six weeks 六个星期的时间
We've been studying the Civil War period. 我们在学习内战时期这段历史。
2 a woman's period is the flow of blood from her body every month 〔女人的〕月经(期)
3 AmE a DOT (.) in a piece of writing that shows the end of a sentence or an abbreviation 【美】 句号; FULL STOP BrE 【英】
4 one of the equal parts that the school day is divided into 课时,一节(课):
The first period on Tuesday is history. 星期二的第一节是历史课。




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