

词汇 appreciate
释义 ap·pre·ci·ate /ə`priʃɪˏet; əˈpriːʃieɪt/
1 [T] to understand and enjoy the good qualities or value of something 欣赏; 鉴赏; 赏识:
All the bad weather here makes me appreciate home. 这里一切糟糕的天气让我很欣赏家乡(的好天气)。
2 [T] to be grateful for something 感激:
Lyn greatly appreciated the flowers you sent. 琳十分感激你送花给她。
3 I would appreciate it if used to politely ask someone to do something 如果…我将十分感激〔用于礼貌地请求别人帮助〕:
I'd really appreciate it if you could drive Kathy to school today. 如果今天你能开车送凯西去上学,我将十分感激。
4 [T] to understand a difficult situation or problem 领会,体会〔困境、问题〕:
You don't seem to appreciate how hard this is for us. 你似乎没有体会到这对我们有多难。




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