

词汇 *in¹
释义 *in¹ /ɪn; ɪn/
1 used with the name of a container, place, or area to show where something is 在〔容器、地点或地区〕里面,在…内:
The paper is in the top drawer. 那篇文章在顶层抽屉里。
He lived in Spain for 15 years. 他在西班牙生活了 15 年。
We swam in the sea. 我们在海里游泳。
2 used with the names of months, years, seasons etc to say when something happened 在某月[某年、某季节等],在…期间:
I was born in May 1969. 我于 1969 年 5 月份出生。
In the winter, we use a wood stove. 在冬天,我们使用柴炉。
3 during or at the end of a period of time 在某段时间内; 在一段时间之后:
We finished the whole project in a week. 我们在一周内完成了整个项目。
Gerry should be home in an hour. 杰瑞一小时以后应该可以到家了。
4 included as part of something 〔作为部分〕包括在…之内:
One of the people in the story is a young doctor. 故事中有一个人物是一名年轻医生。
In the first part of the speech, he talked about the environment. 他在讲话的第一部分中谈到了环境。
5 used to describe the condition or attitude of something or someone 处于〔某种状态或态度〕:
The company was in trouble. 公司正处于困难中。
She looked up in surprise. 她吃惊地抬头看着。
6 wearing something 穿着; 穿戴:
men in grey suits 穿着灰西装的男士
7 using a particular way of speaking or writing 以某种方式说或写:
"I'm afraid," said Violet in a quiet voice. “我害怕。”维奥莱特悄声地说。
I wrote to him in Italian. 我用意大利文写信给他。
8 involved with a particular kind of job 从事〔某种特定工作〕; 涉及:
She's in advertising. 她从事广告业。
new developments in medicine 医学领域的新发展
9 arranged in a particular way 以特定方式排列:
We stood in a line. 我们站成一行。
Put the words in alphabetical order. 把这些词按字母顺序排列。
10 in all used to say what the total amount of something is 总计,总共:
There were 25 of us in all. 我们总共有 25 个人。




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