

词汇 reality
释义 re·al·i·ty /rɪ`ælətɪ; riˈælɪti/
1 [U] the way something really is, not the way you imagine it to be or would like it to be 现实:
He finds it difficult to face up to reality. 他发觉很难面对现实。
2 the reality/realities of what a situation or thing is really like …的真实情形:
the reality of living in a big city 生活在大城市的真实情况
the harsh/tough realities (=unpleasant things that are real) 严酷的现实: the harsh realities of life 生活的严酷现实
3 in reality used to say that something is different from what seems to be true 实际上〔用以表示某事物跟看上去的不同〕:
He said he'd retired, but in reality he was fired. 他说他退休了,但实际上他是被解雇的。
4 become a reality something that actually happens 成为现实:
Marilyn's dream of becoming a film star had become a reality. 玛丽莲想当电影明星的梦想成为了现实。




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