

词汇 *conduct¹
释义 *con·duct¹ /kən`dʌkt; kənˈdʌkt/
1 [T] to carry out or organize something 实施; 进行〔某事〕:
The children are conducting an experiment with two magnets. 孩子们正在用两块磁铁做实验。
The group conducted a guerrilla campaign against the president in the 1970s. 那个团体在 20 世纪 70 年代进行了一场反对总统的游击运动。
2 [I,T] to stand in front of musicians or singers and direct their playing or singing 指挥〔乐队或合唱团〕
3 [T] if something conducts electricity or heat, it allows the electricity or heat to travel along or through it 传导〔电、热〕
4 conduct yourself the way that you conduct yourself is the way that you behave 举止,行为; 表现:
Public figures have a duty to conduct themselves correctly. 公众人物应当行为检点。




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