

词汇 *anything
释义 *an·y·thing /`ɛnɪˏθɪŋ; ˈeniθɪŋ/
1 used in questions and negative statements to mean 'something' 一些事物,任何事物〔用于疑问句和否定句〕:
Do you need anything from the store? 你需要从商店里买点什么吗?
Her father didn't know anything about it. 她父亲一点也不知道这事。
or anything spoken (=or anything similar) 【口】 或什么(相似的)事物: Would you like a Coke or anything? 你想喝可口可乐或者别的什么吗?
2 any thing, event, situation etc, when it is not important which one 任何事物; 无论何事:
That cat will eat anything. 那只猫什么都吃。
I could have told him almost anything and he would have believed me. 我本可以几乎把一切都告诉他,而他也该相信我的。
3 anything like used in questions and negative statements to mean 'similar to' 像…,似…〔用于疑问句和否定句〕:
Carrie doesn't look anything like her sister. 卡丽看起来一点都不像她姐姐。
4 anything but not at all 根本不,决不:
No, when I told him, he seemed anything but pleased. 不,当我告诉他的时候,他似乎一点也不高兴。




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