

词汇 *fit¹
释义 *fit¹ /fɪt; fɪt/
v fitted, fitted, fitting also 又作 fit, fit, fitting AmE 【美】
1 [I,T] to be the right size and shape for someone or something (使)合适; 合身:
I wonder if my wedding dress still fits me. 我不知道我的婚纱是否仍旧合身。
This lid doesn't fit very well. 这个盖子盖得不是很紧密。
2 [I,T] to put something, such as a piece of equipment, in the place where it will be used 安装:
fit sth on/in etc We're having new locks fitted on all the main doors. 我们在给所有的大门安装新锁。
3 [I,T] if something fits in a container, room, or vehicle, or if you can fit it in, there is enough room for it 适合,容得下:
Will the cases fit in the back of your car? 你的汽车后部放得下这些箱子吗?
I can't fit anything else into this suitcase. 我没有办法往这个箱子塞其他东西了。
4 [T] to be suitable for something 符合,配合:
The music fits the words perfectly. 曲调完全配合歌词。
fit in
1 [I] to be accepted by other people in a group so that you can easily live or work with them 〔与别人〕合得来,和睦相处:
The new students all had a hard time fitting in. 新生都有一段艰苦的适应期。
2 [T fit sb/sth ↔ in] to have just enough time to do something or meet someone although you are busy 〔尽力〕安排时间做〔某事〕; 安排时间见〔某人〕:
Dr Tyler can fit you in on Monday at 3:30. 泰勒医生可以安排在星期一下午三点三十分见你。
3 [T] to happen or do things in a time that does not affect other arrangements (与…)相适应[相协调]:
+ with Your training course doesn't fit in with our holiday plans. 你的培训课程与我们的假期计划有冲突。
fit sb/sth ↔ out
to provide someone or something with all the things necessary for a particular purpose 给…提供必要的东西; 装备:
Tommy was fitted out with a new suit for the awards ceremony. 汤米穿了一套新西装去参加颁奖典礼。
USAGE NOTE 用法说明: fit
Although both fit and fitted can be used in the past tense, fit is the usual word. 尽管 fit 和 fitted 都能用于过去式,但 fit 更常用:
The shoes fit perfectly. 鞋子十分合脚。




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