

词汇 whirl²
释义 whirl²
n [singular 单数]
1 when a lot of things happen in an exciting or confusing way 接连不断的刺激[纷乱]的活动:
Her life was a whirl of parties and dinner dates. 她的生活就是数不完的聚会和晚宴约会。
2 when someone or something turns around very quickly 急转; 旋转:
a whirl of dust 卷扬的尘土
the whirl of the dancers 舞蹈者的急速旋转
3 give sth a whirl informal to do something or use something once to find out if it works or if you like it 【非正式】 试试某物
4 be in a whirl to feel very excited or confused about something 感觉极为兴奋; 头脑纷乱:
Debbie's head was all in a whirl. 德比的脑子一片混乱。




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