

词汇 *operation
释义 *op·e·ra·tion /ˏɑpə`reʃən; ˌɒpəˈreɪʃən/
n [C]
1 when doctors cut into someone's body to repair or remove a part that is damaged 手术:
She's having an operation on her knee. 她正在接受膝部手术。
2 [C] when people work together in a planned way in order to try and do something 〔有计划的集体〕活动,行动:
a rescue operation 救援行动
3 [C,U] the work of a business or organization, or one of the parts of a company or organization 〔公司或机构的〕业务; 部门:
GM has sold off its UK truck operation. 通用汽车变卖了它在英国的货车业务。
4 be in operation if a system or machine is in operation, it is working 〔系统或机器〕操作中,运转着:
Video cameras were in operation. 摄录机正在拍摄。
5 [U] the way in which something works, or when someone makes something work 运转; 操作:
The job involves the operation of heavy machinery. 这份工作需要操作重型机器。




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