

词汇 *open²
释义 *open²
1 [T] to make something open 开启,打开:
Can you open the window? 你可以把窗打开吗?
She opened her eyes. 她睁开眼睛。
2 [I] to become open 打开,展开:
The doors open automatically. 这些门会自动开启。
3 [I] if a shop, bank etc opens at a particular time, people can use it after that time 〔商店、银行等〕开始营业:
What time does the bookstore open on Sundays? 星期天那书店什么时候开始营业?
4 [I] if a film, play, public building etc opens, people can start to see it or use it 〔电影、戏剧等〕公映,公演; 〔公共建筑物〕启用:
A new play opens next week on Broadway. 下周会有一出新的戏剧在百老汇开演。
The restaurant first opened in 1986. 这家餐厅是在 1986 年开业的。
5 [I,T] to spread something out, or become spread out (使)张开,打开,展开:
I can't open my umbrella. 我打不开我的雨伞。
The flowers are starting to open. 花儿开始绽放。
6 [T] to make something officially available for people to use or visit 使正式开放〔供人使用或参观〕:
Parts of the White House will be opened to the public. 白宫的部分区域将向公众开放。
7 open fire to start shooting at someone or something 〔向某人或某物〕开火:
+ on Troops opened fire on the protesters. 军队向抗议者开火。
8 [T] if you open a bank account, you arrange for it to start 开立〔银行账户〕
open into/onto sth
to lead directly into a place 通往〔某地方〕:
The kitchen opens onto the backyard. 厨房通往后院。
open up
1 [I,T open sth ↔ up] to become available or possible, or to make something available or possible (使)展现; 开拓,开发:
New business opportunities are opening up all the time. 随时都有新的商机出现。
2 [I] to stop being shy and say what you really think 〔无拘束地〕畅谈,开始大方地谈:
It takes a long time for him to open up. 他要很长时间才能畅谈起来。
USAGE NOTE 用法说明: open, close, turn on, and 和 turn off
Use open and close to talk about objects such as doors, windows, or boxes. 门窗、箱子等的开和关用 open 和 close:
It's warm in here — could you open a window? 这里很暖和,你可以开扇窗吗?
Use turn on and turn off to talk about water or gas, or about things that use electricity. 水、煤气或电器之类的开和关用 turn on 和 turn off:
Turn on the TV; there's a good show on now. 开电视吧,现在有好节目看。




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