

词汇 *that¹
释义 *that¹ /ðæt; ðæt/
determiner, pron, plural those /ðoz; ðəʊz/
1 used to talk about someone or something that is a distance away from you 那,那个〔用于指远处的人或物〕:
Look at that pink car! 看那辆粉红色的汽车!
→ compare 比较 THIS¹
2 used to talk about someone or something that has already been mentioned or is already known about 那,那个〔用于指已提及或已知的人或物〕:
We met for coffee later that day. 那天后来我们一起去喝咖啡。
How much is that hat in the window? 橱窗里那顶帽子是多少钱?
Who told you that? 谁告诉你那件事的?
3 that is (to say) used to correct something you have said or give more exact information about something 换句话说,也就是说〔用于更正说过的话或补充更确切的信息〕:
Everyone passed the test — everyone, that is, except Janet, who was ill. 所有人都通过了测验 — 所有人,也就是说除了生病的珍妮特以外。
4 that's it/that's that spoken used when something is completely finished or when a decision will not be changed 【口】 就这样吧; 就这么定了:
You're not going and that's that! 你不许去,就这样!
5 that's all there is to it spoken used to emphasize that something is simple to do, explain etc 【口】 就是这么回事儿〔用于强调某事很容易做、解释等〕:
We lost because we didn't play well. That's all there is to it. 我们输了是因为打得不好。就是这么回事儿。
USAGE NOTE 用法说明: that, who, and 和 which
You should only leave out the pronoun that when it is the object of a verb. that 只有作动词的受词时才能省略:
She's the woman (that) I love. 她就是我所爱的女人。
Only use that instead of who or which when the meaning of the noun is limited to show which one(s) you mean. 只有当名词的含义仅限于你所指的意思时,才可以用 that 代替 who 或 which:
This is the man who/that told the police. 这就是向警方举报的那个人。
Do not use that instead of who or which when you are simply adding information. 如果只是补充信息,就不能用 that 代替 who 或 which:
This is my father, who lives in Dublin. 这是我父亲,他住在都柏林。
She owns an old Rolls Royce, which she bought in 1954. 她有一辆旧的劳斯莱斯汽车,那是她在 1954 年买的。
In spoken English, that is usually left out before a noun clause, especially after verbs about saying or thinking. 在英语口语中,名词子句前常常省略 that, 尤其是在表示说或想的动词后:
She said (that) it wasn't true. 她说那不是真的。
I think (that) you're right. 我认为你是对的。




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