

词汇 *boat
释义 *boat /bot; bəʊt/
n [C]
1 something that you sail in to travel across water 小船,小艇:
fishing boats 渔船
by boat (=in a boat) 乘小船: You can only get to the island by boat. 你只能乘小船去那个岛。
→ compare 比较 SHIP¹
2 be in the same boat (as) informal to be in the same unpleasant situation as someone else 【非正式】 处于相同的倒霉境地:
We're all in the same boat, so stop complaining. 我们处境相同,所以别抱怨了。
→see also 另见 miss the boat/bus (MISS¹), rock the boat (ROCK²)
USAGE NOTE 用法说明: boat and 和 ship
A boat is usually smaller than a ship or travels shorter distances. boat 常比 ship 小,或者航程较短:
a fishing boat 渔船
We rented a rowing boat for the day. 我们那天租了一艘划艇。
a boat race 划船比赛
But in spoken English, the word boat is sometimes used to talk about a big ship that travels a long distance. 但在英语口语中,boat 有时也指远途航行的大船:
The boat with its 400 passengers finally reached Cape Cod on May 6th. 那艘载着 400 名乘客的船在五月六日终于到达科德角。




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