

词汇 *hard¹
释义 *hard¹ /hɑrd; hɑːd/
1 firm and stiff, and difficult to cut, press down, or break 硬的,坚硬的,坚固的,坚实的:
a hard mattress 硬床垫
The plums are still too hard to eat. 这些李子还太硬,不能吃。
→ opposite 反义词 SOFT
2 difficult to do or understand 困难的,难懂的:
The interviewer asked some very hard questions. 主持面试的人问了一些非常难的问题。
it's hard (for sb) to do sth It's hard to say when Glenn will be back. 很难说格伦什么时候会回来。
→ opposite 反义词 EASY¹
3 involving a lot of physical or mental effort or suffering 艰难的,费力的,费心的:
a long hard climb to the top of the hill 到山顶的一段艰难的攀登路程
Poor May, she's had a hard life. 可怜的梅,她的生活很艰苦。
hard work Bringing up children on your own is hard work. 一个人养育孩子很艰辛。
4 showing no kindness or sympathy 严厉的,严酷的,无情的:
Mr Katz is a hard man to work for, but he's fair. 卡兹先生是个严厉的老板,但是他很公正。
be hard on sb She's too hard on those kids. 她对那些孩子太严厉。
5 give sb a hard time informal to criticize someone or make jokes about them, so that they feel embarrassed or uncomfortable 【非正式】 让某人难堪〔指批评或嘲笑某人〕:
The guys were giving him a hard time about missing the ball. 那些家伙因为他没有接住球就跟他过不去。
6 do/learn sth the hard way to make a lot of mistakes or have a lot of difficulty before learning something 某事做得/学得很苦
7 no hard feelings spoken used to tell someone that you do not feel angry with them any more 【口】 没有恶感〔用于告诉某人你已不再生他的气〕
8 hard facts/evidence facts etc that are true and can be proved 确凿的事实/铁证
9 a hard winter a very cold winter 严冬




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