

词汇 *rather
释义 *ra·ther /`ræðə; ˈrɑːðə/
adv, predeterminer
1 BrE a little; fairly 【英】 稍许; 相当,颇:
I think she was rather upset last night. 我认为她昨晚相当烦恼。
It's a rather difficult problem. 这是一道相当棘手的问题。
2 rather than instead of something else 而不是:
We decided to have the wedding in the summer rather than in the spring. 我们决定在夏天而不是春天举行婚礼。
3 would rather if you would rather do or have something, you would prefer to do or have it 宁可,宁愿:
I hate sitting doing nothing — I'd rather be working. 我讨厌坐着无所事事 — 我宁可工作。
4 spoken used to give more correct or exact information about what you have said 【口】 更确切地说〔用于对说过的话补充更正确或确切的信息〕:
Mr Dewey, or rather his secretary, asked me to come to the meeting. 杜威先生,或者更确切地说,是他的秘书,请我出席会议。




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