

词汇 *happy
释义 *hap·py /`hæpɪ; ˈhæpi/
1 feeling pleased and cheerful, often because something good has happened to you 快乐的,愉快的; 高兴的:
Sam's been looking a lot happier recently. 山姆最近看来快乐多了。
Congratulations! I'm very happy for you. 恭喜你呀!我真为你高兴。
→ opposite 反义词 UNHAPPY
2 be happy to do sth to be willing to do something, especially to help someone else 乐意做某事〔尤指帮助别人〕:
Our team of experts will be happy to answer any questions. 我们的专家小组乐于回答任何提问。
3 making you feel pleased or happy 幸福的,美满的:
a happy marriage 美满的婚姻
Those were the happiest years of my life. 那是我一生中最幸福的几年。
4 satisfied and not worried 满意的:
+ with/about Are you happy with their decision? 你对他们的决定满意吗?
5 Happy Birthday/Happy New Year etc used as a way of greeting someone on a special occasion 生日快乐/新年快乐等
USAGE NOTE 用法说明: happy, content, glad, and 和 ecstatic
There are several different words to describe being happy. Someone who is content is feeling happy because they are satisfied. 有好几个不同的单词可以表示“高兴”、“满意”(happy)这个意思。content 表示“满足的”:
They're content to lead a simple life. 他们满足于过简单的生活。
Someone who is glad is pleased about something that has happened. glad 表示对已发生的事感到高兴:
I'm so glad you were able to come. 你能来我真高兴。
If someone is very excited as well as happy they are ecstatic. ecstatic 表示“狂喜的”:
An ecstatic crowd cheered as the players ran onto the field. 球员跑进场时狂喜的人群欢呼起来。




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