

词汇 source
释义 source /sɔrs; sɔːs/
n [C]
1 the thing, place, or person that you get something from 来源; 出处:
+ of Tourism is the city's greatest source of income. 旅游业是该市最大的收入来源。
sources of energy 能源
2 the cause of a problem, or the place where it starts 〔问题的〕原因; 根源:
Engineers have found the source of the trouble. 工程师已经找到了问题的原因。
3 a person, book, or document that you get information from 提供资料者; 资料来源,原始资料:
Reliable sources say the company is going bankrupt. 可靠消息说这家公司要破产了。
4 the place where a stream or river starts 〔溪或河的〕源头,发源地




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