

词汇 *respect¹
释义 *re·spect¹ /rɪ`spɛkt; rɪˈspekt/
1 [U] admiration for someone because of their knowledge, skill etc 敬佩:
+ for I have great respect for her as a writer. 我深深敬佩她的写作才华。
2 [U] when you treat someone in a polite way, especially because they are older or more important than you 〔尤指对年长者或地位较高者的〕尊敬,敬重:
+ for He ought to show more respect for authority. (=for his parents, teachers, managers etc) 他应该对权威者多一点尊重。
→ opposite 反义词 DISRESPECT
3 [U] when you show by your behaviour that you think something is important 重视:
countries where there is no respect for basic human rights 不重视基本人权的国家
4 in one respect/in many respects etc used to say that something is true about one part of something, about many parts of it etc 在某一方面/在许多方面等:
In some respects, José is right. 在某些方面,荷西是对的。
5 with (all due) respect spoken formal used before you say something to disagree with someone 【口,正式】尽管我尊敬你〔用于表达与某人不同意见之前〕:
With all due respect, that is not the point. 尽管我尊敬你,那并不是问题所在。
6 with respect to/in respect of formal concerning a particular thing; REGARDING 【正式】 关于:
With respect to your question about jobs, all our positions are filled. 关于你对工作的查询,我们所有的职位空缺都满了。




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