

词汇 *pay¹
释义 *pay¹ /pe; peɪ/
v paid /ped; peɪd/ , paid, paying
1 [I,T] to give someone money for something that you are buying from them, for work they have done etc 付(款):
+ for How much did you pay for that watch? 你买那只表付了多少钱?
be/get paid Most people get paid monthly. 大多数人都按月领工资。
well/highly paid (=paid a lot of money for your work) 收入优厚的,高薪的: a highly paid job in a law firm 一家律师事务所的高薪工作
pay sb to do sth Dad paid me £5 to wash the car. 爸爸付给我五英镑叫我洗车。
2 [T] to give a person, company, or government etc money that you owe them 偿还; 缴纳:
Do you have to pay tax when you are a student? 你当学生时要缴税吗?
3 pay attention to listen to or watch someone or something carefully 注意,仔细(听[看]):
Sorry, I wasn't paying attention. What did you say? 抱歉,我没注意听。你刚才说什么?
4 pay a visit to go to see a particular place or person 参观; 拜访:
I was in New York and I thought I'd pay her a visit. 我在纽约,我想该去拜访她。
5 [I] to be worth doing because you get an advantage 合算,值得,有好处:
Crime doesn't pay. 犯罪是得不偿失的。
6 [I,T] if someone pays for what they have done, they are punished for it, or something bad happens to them because of it (为…)付出代价:
+ for One day I'll make you pay for this! 总有一天我要你为此付出代价!
pay the penalty/price She committed a terrible crime, and now she must pay the penalty. 她犯下了可怕的罪行,现在必须付出代价了。
7 pay sb a compliment to tell someone that you think they are nice, attractive, intelligent etc 恭维某人
8 pay your respects (to sb) formal to visit or speak to someone in order to be polite, especially to say formally that you are sorry that someone has died 【正式】 (向某人)表示慰问,表示敬意:
Sam came over to pay his respects to the family. 山姆前来向那人的家属表示慰问。
9 pay tribute to to publicly praise or thank someone or something 公开表示称赞[感谢]
10 pay lip service (to) to say that you support or agree with something, without doing anything to prove it (对…)仅在口头上表示支持,空口答应:
Too many companies only pay lip service to customer service. 有太多公司对为顾客服务只是嘴上说说而已。
11 pay your way to pay for the things you want or use, without depending on someone else 〔不依靠别人〕自己花钱买
pay sb/sth ↔ back
to give someone the money that you owe them; REPAY 偿还〔欠债〕:
Can I borrow $10? I'll pay you back tomorrow. 我向你借 10 元钱行吗? 明天还给你。
pay sth ↔ in/into
to put money into a bank account 把〔钱〕存入〔银行〕:
She immediately paid the money into her savings account. 她立刻把钱存入储蓄账户内。
pay off
1 [T pay sth ↔ off] to pay all the money that you owe 还清〔债款〕
2 [I] if something that you do pays off, it is successful or helps you be successful 〔所作的努力〕得到回报:
All that hard work finally paid off. 所有那些辛勤的工作终于有了回报。
pay sth ↔ out
to pay a lot of money for something 花费〔大笔钱〕:
I paid out a lot of money for that car. 我为那辆车花费了许多钱。
pay up
informal to pay all the money that you owe, especially when you do not want to 【非正式】 〔尤指不情愿地〕还清债款




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