

词汇 *maybe
释义 *may·be /`mebɪ; ˈmeɪbi/
1 used to say that something may be true or may happen, but that you are not sure 也许,可能〔用于表示某事可能真实或可能会发生,但不肯定〕:
Maybe Anna's already left. 也许安娜已经离开了。
There were 300, maybe 400 people there. 那里有 300 人,也许 400 人。
2 used to make a suggestion 或许〔用于提建议〕:
Maybe Jeff could help you. 或许杰夫能帮你。
→ compare 比较 PERHAPS
USAGE NOTE 用法说明: maybe
Maybe and perhaps are commonly used in suggestions, requests, and orders to make them sound less forceful and, therefore, more polite. maybe 和 perhaps 常用于建议、请求和命令中以缓和语气,显得更为礼貌些:
Maybe/perhaps we ought to go now. 也许我们应该现在就走。
Maybe/perhaps you should phone your mother. 也许你该打电话给你母亲。
They can also be used to make criticism less strong or kinder. 它们也可用来缓和批评:
He's not exactly fat, but he's maybe/perhaps a bit overweight. 确切地说他并不肥胖,但也许有点超重。




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