

词汇 *tear¹
释义 *tear¹ /tɛr; teə/
tore /tɔr; tɔː/, torn /tɔrn; tɔːn/, tearing v
1 a) [T] to pull paper or cloth into pieces, or accidentally make a hole in it 撕破; 扯破:
He tore the envelope open. 他把信封撕开。
Oh no, I've torn a hole in my jeans! 噢,不好,我把牛仔裤撕破了一个洞!
b) [I] to become damaged in this way 裂开; 被撕破:
When paper is wet, it tears easily. 纸在湿的时候很容易撕破。
2 [I] informal to move very quickly, often in a dangerous or careless way 【非正式】 〔危险或粗心地〕飞奔:
+ around/into/out of etc Two kids came tearing around the corner. 两个孩子转过街角飞奔过来。
3 [T] to remove something by pulling it violently 用力撕掉; 扯掉:
Protestors began tearing down the fence. 抗议者开始用力拔掉围栏。
tear apart
1 [tear sth ↔ apart] to make the people in a family, organization, country etc argue or fight with each other 分裂〔家庭、组织、国家等〕:
Yugoslavia was torn apart by a bloody civil war. 南斯拉夫被一场血腥的内战搞得四分五裂。
2 [tear sb/sth ↔ apart] to destroy something or someone 摧毁
3 [tear sb apart] to make someone extremely unhappy or upset 使苦恼[不安]:
It tears me apart to see Linda cry. 看到琳达哭泣,我的心都碎了。
tear sth ↔ down
to deliberately destroy something completely, especially a building 拆毁〔尤指建筑物〕:
The school was torn down to make way for a carpark. 这所学校被拆了改建停车场。
tear into sb
informal to strongly criticize someone 【非正式】 痛斥,猛烈批评〔某人〕
tear sth ↔ off
to remove your clothes very quickly 迅速脱掉〔衣服〕:
He tore off his sweater. 他迅速脱掉套头毛衫。
tear sth ↔ up
to tear paper into a lot of little pieces 撕碎〔纸〕:
He tore up all of Linda's old letters. 他把琳达以前的来信都撕碎了。




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