

词汇 step²
释义 step²
v [I] -pped, -pping
1 to move somewhere by putting one foot down in front of the other 迈步,跨步:
+ back/forward We all stepped back to let the doctor through. 我们都往后退,让医生走过去。
2 to put your foot on or in something 踩,踏:
Sorry, I didn't mean to step on your foot. 对不起,我不小心踩到你的脚了。
3 step out of line to break the rules, or not do what you have been told to do 违反规矩; 不听指挥
4 step on sb's toes to offend or upset someone, especially by trying to do their work 〔尤因插手别人的工作而〕得罪某人
step down/aside
to leave an important job or official position 辞职,退位,下台
step forward
to come and offer help 前来提供帮忙:
Several volunteers have kindly stepped forward. 几个好心的志愿者主动来帮忙。
step in
to become involved in a situation, for example to help someone or stop people fighting 介入,干涉,插手:
The referee stepped in and stopped the fight. 裁判介入阻止了打斗。
step out
to go out for a short time 出去一会儿,暂时离开
step sth ↔ up
to increase something or spend more effort trying to do something 增加; 增强:
Airlines are stepping up security checks. 航空公司加强了安全检查。




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