

词汇 *feel¹
释义 *feel¹ /fil; fiːl/
v felt /fɛlt; felt/, felt, feeling
1 [linking verb 连系动词] to have a feeling or emotion, for example when you are happy, hungry, cold etc 觉得,感到:
I feel really hot — can someone open the window? 我觉得很热 — 有没有人能把窗户打开?
Neal felt sad when she'd gone. 她走了,尼尔觉得很难过。
We were feeling tired after the long journey. 经过漫长的旅途,我们感到很累。
+ as if/as though I felt as though I'd won a million dollars. 我觉得像是赢了一百万元似的。
2 [linking verb 连系动词] used to say how something seems to you 感觉是,似乎:
it feels It feels great to be back home. 回家的感觉真好。
How does it feel to be married? 结婚的感觉如何?
it feels like I was only there for a couple of hours, but it felt like a week. 我只在那儿待了几小时,但就像是过了一星期。
sth feels Her skin felt cold. 她的皮肤摸上去很冷。
3 [I,T] to have an opinion based on your feelings rather than on facts 〔指根据感觉而不是事实〕以为,认为:
+ (that) I feel that I should do more to help. 我认为我应当多出力帮忙。
+ about What does Michael feel about the idea? 米高认为那个主意怎么样?
feel sure/certain We felt certain that something terrible would happen. 我们确信可怕的事将要发生。
feel strongly about (=have strong opinions) 看法强烈: A lot of people feel very strongly about the issue of abortion. 许多人对堕胎问题看法很强烈。
4 [T] to touch something with your fingers in order to find out what it is like 触摸:
Feel my forehead. Does it seem hot? 摸摸我的额头。烫不烫?
5 feel around/inside etc (for sth) to try to find something by using your fingers 〔用手〕摸索(找某物):
He felt around in his pocket for his keys. 他在口袋里摸索着找钥匙。
6 [T] to notice something touching you 注意到,感受到,感觉到:
She felt something crawling up her leg. 她觉得腿上有东西在往上爬。
7 feel like sth to want to eat, drink, or do something 想要某物:
Do you feel like anything more to eat? 你还想吃点东西吗?
8 to experience the good or bad results of something 受到〔某物好或坏的影响〕:
Companies are starting to feel the effects of the strike. 各家公司开始受到罢工的影响。
9 feel your way
a) to move carefully with your hands out in front of you because you cannot see well 〔因看不清而〕摸索着前行:
He felt his way along the dark passage. 他摸索着沿黑暗的通道走去。
b) to do things slowly and carefully, because you are unsure about a new situation 〔因对新情况不肯定而〕谨慎行事
→ see also 另见 be/feel sorry for sb (SORRY)
feel for sb/sth
to feel sympathy for someone 同情:
I really feel for you, Joel, but I don't know what to suggest. 我真的同情你,乔尔,但我不知道建议什么好。




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