

词汇 bind¹
释义 bind¹ /baɪnd; baɪnd/
bound /band; baʊnd/, bound, binding v
1 [T] to tie something together firmly, with string or rope 绑[捆、扎]紧:
His legs were bound with rope. 他双腿被绳子捆住了。
2 also 又作 bind together [T] formal to form a strong connection between two people, countries etc 【正式】 使…紧密连系:
We are bound together by history and language. 历史和语言把我们紧紧地连系在一起。
3 [T] to make someone obey something such as a law or promise 使受法律[承诺]约束:
Each country is bound by the treaty. 每个国家都受该条约的约束。
4 [T] to fasten the pages of a book together and put them in a cover 装订〔书籍〕
5 [I,T] to make substances stick together in a mass (使)粘合; (使)凝结:
Use a beaten egg to bind the hamburger together. 用一只打好的鸡蛋把肉馅粘合在一起。
bind sb over
BrE law to order someone to cause no more trouble for a period of time 【英,法律】 命令〔某人〕具结[保证]不再闹事




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