

词汇 *race¹
释义 *race¹ /res; reɪs/
1 [C] a competition in which people try to run, drive, ride etc faster than each other 〔速度的〕比赛; 赛跑; 赛车:
Hill won the race and Schumacher finished second. 希尔赢得了比赛,而舒麦加位居第二。
2 [C,U] one of the main groups into which people are divided according to the colour of their skin and physical appearance 人种,种族:
The law forbids discrimination on the grounds of race or religion. 法律禁止以种族或宗教信仰为由实行歧视。
3 [C] a group of people with the same language, customs etc 〔具有相同语言、风俗习惯等的〕民族
4 [C] a situation in which people or organizations compete with each other for something 〔为争夺某物而进行的〕竞争,竞赛:
Chirac lost the 1988 presidential race. 希拉克在 1988 年的总统竞选中落败。
5 a race against time when you must finish doing something in a short period of time 和时间赛跑,争分夺秒
→ see also 另见 ARMS RACE, HUMAN RACE
USAGE NOTE 用法说明: race, nation, state, and 和 tribe
Use these words to talk about groups of people. The largest group is a race, which means people who have the same skin colour, type of hair, and physical features. 这些词用于表示人类的种群。最大的种群是 race, 它表示具有相同的肤色、头发和生理特征的人:
The survey was given to people of different races and ages. 对不同种族和年龄的人进行了调查。
A nation is a country and its social and political structure, or a group of people with the same history and language. nation 指的是一个国家和它的社会、政治结构或是具有共同历史和语言的一群人:
Leaders of several Western nations are meeting in Paris this week. 这个星期,几个西方国家的领导人正在巴黎会晤。
Use state to talk about the politics or the government of a country. state 用于指一个国家的政治或政府:
The state still owns much of the country's media. 政府仍然拥有这个国家的许多传媒。
A tribe is a group of families within a country who are the same race and have the same traditions and the same leader. tribe 是一个国家内同一种族、有相同的传统和共同的领导人的家族部落:
The Navajo tribe is the second largest in the US. 那瓦和族是美国的第二大部落。




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