

词汇 *angry
释义 *an·gry /`æŋgrɪ; ˈæŋɡri/
if you are angry, you feel a strong emotion because someone has behaved badly to you or a situation is wrong or unfair 发怒的,生气的:
She was angry with him because he had lied to her. 她很生他的气,因为他对她说了谎。
The roads were blocked by angry French farmers. 马路被愤怒的法国农民堵住了。
+ about Don't you feel angry about the way you've been treated? 你被这样对待,不感到生气吗?
+ that Local people are angry that they weren't consulted about plans to expand the airport. 当地人因没有人与他们商议扩建机场的计划而感到很气愤。




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