释义 |
*de·vel·op /dɪ`vɛləp; dɪˈveləp/ v 1 [I,T] to grow or change into something bigger or more important, or to make something do this (使)发展,(使)扩展,(使)成长: plans to develop the local economy 发展当地经济的种种计划 + into Wright is fast developing into one of this country's most talented players. 赖特正在迅速成长为全国最有天赋的球员之一。 2 [T] to make a new product or idea successful 开发,发明〔新产品、新观念〕: scientists developing new drugs to fight AIDS 致力开发抗爱滋病新药的科学家们 3 [T] to begin to have an illness or feeling 发病; 出现〔某种感觉〕: Her baby developed a fever during the night. 她的宝宝夜里开始发烧。 4 [I] to begin to happen or exist 显现,出现: A crisis seems to be developing within the Conservative Party. 保守党内部似乎已开始出现危机。 5 [T] to use special chemicals on photographic film to make the pictures 显影,冲印〔照片〕 6 [T] to build houses, offices etc on a piece of land 开发〔指在一块土地上建房,造办公楼等〕 |