释义 |
*ac·cept /ək`sɛpt; əkˈsept/ v 1 [I,T] to take something or say yes to something that someone offers you 接受〔别人给的东西〕: Please accept this small gift. 请收下这份小小的礼物。 He's been offered the job but can't decide whether to accept. 有人请他做这份工作,但他决定不了接不接受。 accept an invitation We would be happy to accept your invitation. 我们很高兴接受您的邀请。 2 [I,T] to agree to do something or to allow something to happen 同意做〔某事〕; 允许〔某事〕发生: The manager would not accept her resignation. 经理不会同意她辞职的。 accept advice/suggestions Jackie won't accept any advice. 杰姬不会接受任何意见。 3 [T] to agree or admit or believe that something is true, especially an unpleasant fact 承认; 相信〔某事,尤指不愉快的事情〕: The teacher would not accept any excuses. 老师不会相信任何理由。 + that I accept that we've made mistakes, but it's nothing we can't fix. 我承认我们犯了错,但没有解决不了的事情。 4 [T] to let someone join an organization, university course etc 接受〔某人加入某组织、大学课程等〕: I've been accepted at Harvard. 我已被哈佛大学录取了。 5 [T] to let someone new become part of a group or society and treat them in the same way as other members 接纳〔某人成为新成员〕: It was a long time before the other kids at school accepted him. 过了好长时间,学校里的其他孩子才接纳了他。 6 [T] to decide that there is nothing you can do to change an unpleasant situation 忍受〔不愉快的境况〕: Even when he was imprisoned, the Emperor would not accept defeat. 皇帝即使被监禁起来也不会承认失败。 7 [T] to let customers pay for something in a particular way 接受〔某种付款方式〕: We don't accept credit cards. 我们这里不接受信用卡。 8 accept responsibility/blame formal to admit that you are responsible for something bad that has happened 【正式】 承担责任/接受指责: The company have accepted responsibility for the accident. 公司承担了这起事故的责任。 |