

词汇 *now¹
释义 *now¹ /na; naʊ/
1 at the present time 现在:
Jean and her husband are now living in Canada. 珍和丈夫现住在加拿大。
right now/just now (=at the time of speaking) 目前,此刻: Right now, we're not really ready to decide. 目前,我们还没有准备作决定。
by/before now (=before the present time) 至今,到现在: Steve should be home by now. 史提夫此时应该到家了。
from now on (=starting now and continuing in the future) 从现在起: Meetings will be held on Friday from now on. 从现在起会议安排在星期五举行。
for now (=true at the present time but may change) 目前,暂时: You're welcome to use my computer for now. 你暂时使用我的电脑没有关系。
2 immediately 立即:
You'd better go now — you're late. 你最好马上就走,你要迟到了。
right now spoken (=used to emphasize what you are saying) 【口】 马上〔用于加强语气〕: Call her right now, before she leaves. 趁她还没走,马上就打电话给她。
3 spoken used when you pause or to get someone's attention 【口】 〔用于停顿或引起注意〕:
Now...what did you say your name was? 对了,你刚才说你叫什么名字?
4 (every) now and then/now and again sometimes but not always 时而,有时:
He sees her every now and then at the college. 他偶尔会在学院里见到她。




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