

词汇 bent²
释义 bent²
1 curved and no longer flat or straight 弯曲的:
His bike lay in the grass, its front wheel all bent. 他的脚踏车躺在草地上,前轮都弯曲变形了。
2 be bent on to be determined to do something or have something 下定决心(做)…:
Mendoza was bent on getting a better job. 门多萨下定决心要找一份更好的工作。
3 BrE a bent policeman or other person in an official position is dishonest 【英】 〔警官等〕不诚实的:
a bent cop 受贿的警察
4 BrE spoken informal an offensive word meaning HOMOSEXUAL 【英口,非正式】同性恋的〔冒犯性用语〕




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