

词汇 *nothing¹
释义 *noth·ing¹ /`nʌθɪŋ; ˈnʌθɪŋ/
1 not anything 没有东西:
There's nothing in the bag. 袋子里没有东西。
Nothing you say will change what he thinks. 无论你说什么都不能改变他的想法。
nothing else (=nothing more) 没有别的事物: I had nothing else to do, so I went to bed. 我没有别的事情做,于是上床睡觉了。
2 not anything that you consider to be important or interesting 微不足道的事; 没什么:
I have nothing to wear! 我没有衣服穿!
"What did you say?" "Oh, nothing." “你刚才说什么?”“啊,没什么。”
3 zero 零:
The Red Sox won the game three nothing. (=the Red Sox had 3; the other team had no points) 红袜队以三比零赢了比赛。
4 for nothing without any result or payment 白白地; 不要钱地:
I did all that work for nothing. 我的工夫全都白费了。
5 have/be nothing to do with
a) if something has nothing to do with a fact or situation, it is not connected to that fact or situation 与〔某事〕无关:
The amount you earn has nothing to do with how hard you work. 你赚多少与你如何勤奋工作没有关系。
b) if a situation has nothing to do with someone, they have no good reason to know about it 与〔某人〕无关:
What I said to Joe has nothing to do with you. 我跟乔说什么与你无关。
6 nothing special not particularly good 没有特别之处的,平平无奇:
The story was nothing special, but the pictures were nice. 故事内容没有什么特别,但是图片精美。
7 nothing but only one thing, and not anything else 除了…之外没有什么:
We've had nothing but rain for two weeks. 这两个星期尽是下雨。
8 nothing much spoken very little 【口】 很少,没有什么:
"What did he say?" "Oh, nothing much." “他说什么?”“啊,没有什么。”
9 there's nothing for it (but to do sth) used when there is only one thing you can do in a situation 没有别的办法(只好干某事):
There was nothing for it but to swim. 没有别的办法,只好游泳。
10 (there's) nothing to it spoken used when something is very easy to do 【口】 不费事,不要紧〔指某事很容易办〕
11 it was nothing spoken used when someone thanks you for something you have done 【口】 没什么〔用于回答他人的感谢〕:
"Thanks a lot!" "It was nothing." “多谢了!”“没什么。”




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